
Journal publications and book chapters

  1. Minimum-time Dubins airplane tours to inspect targets with visibility and dwell time constraints. C. Hague, A. Willis, D. Maity, and A. Wolek. Submitted.
  2. UAV-borne mapping algorithms for low-altitude and high-speed drone applications. J. Zhang, A. Wolek, A. Willis. Sensors, 24(7):1-22, 2024. [preprint]
  3. Adaptive sampling of a stationary Gaussian spatial process by a team of robots with heterogeneous dynamics and measurement noise variance. M. Brancato, A. Wolek. IEEE Access, 12:94407-94423, 2024. [preprint]
  4. Improved multitarget tracking the presence of port-starboard measurement ambiguity using the Bayes factor. J. Jimenez, D. Stilwell, A. Wolek, J. McMahon, and B. R. Dzikowicz, IEEE J. Oceanic Engineering, 48(1):199-217, 2023.
  5. Tracking multiple surface vessels with an autonomous underwater vehicle: Field results. A. Wolek, J. McMahon, B. R. Dzikowicz, B. H. Houston, IEEE J. Oceanic Engineering, 47(1):32-45, 2022.
  6. Planar formation control of a school of robotic fish: Theory and experiments. D. A. Paley, A. A. Thompson, A. Wolek, and P. Ghanem, Frontiers in Control Engineering, 2:782121, 2021.
  7. The orbiting Dubins traveling salesman problem: Planning inspection tours for a minehunting AUV. A. Wolek, J. McMahon, B. R. Dzikowicz, B. H. Houston, Autonomous Robots, 45(1), 31-49, 2021.
  8. A 3D underwater robotic collective called Blueswarm. A. Wolek, D. A. Paley, Science Robotics, 6(50):eabf4315, 2021.
  9. Mobile sensor networks and control: Adaptive sampling of spatiotemporal processes. D. A. Paley, A. Wolek, Annual Reviews: Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems, 3:91-114, 2020.
  10. Cooperative mapping and target search over an unknown occupancy graph using mutual information. A. Wolek, S. Cheng, D. Goswami, D. A. Paley, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 5(2):1071-1078, 2020.
  11. At-sea evaluation of an underwater vehicle behavior for passive target tracking. A. Wolek, B. R. Dzikowicz, J. McMahon, B. H. Houston, IEEE J. Oceanic Engineering, 44(2):514-523, 2019.
  12. Goal reasoning for autonomous underwater vehicles: responding to unexpected agents. M. A. Wilson, J. McMahon, A. Wolek, D. Aha, B. H. Houston, AI Comm. 31(2):151-166, 2018.
  13. Model-based path planning. A. Wolek, C. A. Woolsey, in Sensing and Control for Autonomous Vehicles, (Eds: T. Fossen, K. Pettersen, H. Nijmeijer), Springer Lect. Notes in Control and Information Sci., pp. 183-206, 2017.
  14. Time-optimal path planning for a kinematic car with variable speed. A. Wolek, E. M. Cliff, C. A. Woolsey, AIAA J. Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 39(10):2374-2390, 2016.
  15. Energy-optimal paths for a glider with speed and load factor controls. A. Wolek, E. M. Cliff, C. A. Woolsey, AIAA J. Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 39(2):397-405, 2016.
  16. Optimal paths in still air for a sailplane with a quadratic glide polar. A. Wolek, C. A. Woolsey, Technical Soaring, 40(2):9-23, 2016.
  17. Feasible Dubins paths in the presence of unknown, unsteady velocity disturbances. A. Wolek, C. A. Woolsey, AIAA J. Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 38(4):782-787, 2015.
  18. A novel unmanned aircraft with solid-state control surfaces. O. Bilgen, L. Butt, S. Day, C. Sossi, J. Weaver, A. Wolek, W. Mason, D. Inman, J. Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 24(2):147-167, 2012.

Conference proceedings

  1. A reinforcement learning framework to adaptively schedule controllers for UAVs operating under harsh environmental conditions. I. Albool, A. Willis, A. Wolek, and D. Maity, 2025. Submitted.
  2. Recreation of 3D UAS flights in high-realism virtual environments, C. Beam, A. Wolek, and A. Willis, 2025. Submitted.
  3. Real-time simulation of complex 4D wind fields and gusts for UAS control system development, S. Parab, A. Wolek, D. Maity, and A. Willis, 2025. Submitted.
  4. Characterizing vortex ring state during UAV landing on a ground vehicle using CFD, C. Hahn, A. Wolek, and M. Uddin. In Proc. AIAA SciTech 2025 Forum, Orlando, FL, 2025.
  5. Mapping urban wind fields via Gaussian processes regression models that consider building morphology, N. Kakavitsas and A. Wolek. In Proc. AIAA SciTech 2025 Forum, Orlando, FL, 2025. [preprint]
  6. A quadrotor model for evaluating dynamic response to a blast pressure wave, N. Kakavitsas, A. Willis, D. Maity, and A. Wolek. In Proc. AIAA SciTech 2025 Forum, Orlando, FL, 2025. [preprint]
  7. Maximum kinetic energy paths for a decaying-speed Dubins vehicle, A. Wolek, D. Casbeer, I. Weintraub, and A. Von Moll. In Proc. AIAA SciTech 2025 Forum, Orlando, FL, 2025. [preprint]
  8. Mechanics and control of a freely rolling two-link robot with joint actuation, H. Moradi, A. Wolek, and S. D. Kelly. In Proc. IFAC 2024 Modeling, Estimation and Control Conference, Chicago, IL, 2024.
  9. Sampling-based risk-aware path planning around dynamic engagement zones, A. Wolek, I. E. Weintraub, A. Von Moll, D. Casbeer, and S.G. Manyam. In Proc. IFAC 2024 Modeling, Estimation and Control Conference, Chicago, IL, 2024. [preprint]
  10. Path planning for a cooperative navigation aid vehicle to assist multiple agents sequentially. A. Wolek. In Proc. 15th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems, Robotics, and Vehicles, Blacksburg, VA, 2024. [preprint]
  11. Batch estimation of a steady, uniform, flow-field from ground velocity and heading measurements. A. Wolek and J. McMahon. In Proc. 15th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems, Robotics, and Vehicles, Blacksburg, VA, 2024. [preprint]
  12. Cesium Tiles for high-realism simulation and comparing SLAM results in corresponding virtual and real-world environments. C. Beam, J. Zhang, N. Kakavitsas, C. Hague, A. Wolek, and A. Willis. In Proc. 2024 IEEE Southeast Con, Atlanta, GA, 2024. [preprint]
  13. GPU-Accelerated 3D polygon visibility volumes for synergistic perception and navigation. A. Willis, C. Hague, A. Wolek, and K. Brink. In Proc. 2024 IEEE Southeast Con, Atlanta, GA, 2024. [preprint]
  14. Design and flight demonstration of a quadrotor for urban mapping and target tracking applications. C. Hague, N. Kakavitsas, J. Zhang, C. Beam, A. Willis, and A. Wolek. In Proc. 2024 IEEE Southeast Con, Atlanta, GA, 2024. [preprint]
  15. Design of a miniature underwater vehicle and data collection system for indoor experimentation. J. Herbert and A. Wolek. In Proc. 2024 IEEE Southeast Con, Atlanta, GA, 2024. [preprint]
  16. Quadrotor flight simulation in a CFD-generated urban wind field. N. Kakavitsas, A. Willis, R. Jacobik, M. Uddin, and A. Wolek. In Proc. 2024 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MT, 2024. [preprint]
  17. Comparison of size and performance of small vertical and short takeoff and landing UAS. N. Kakavitsas, A. Willis, J. Conrad, and A. Wolek. In Proc. 2024 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MT, 2024. [preprint]
  18. Quadrotor takeoff trajectory planning in a one-dimensional uncertain wind-field aided by wind-sensing infrastructure. N. Kakavitsas and A. Wolek. In Proc. AIAA SciTech 2024 Forum, Orlando, FL, 2024. [preprint]
  19. Output feedback formation control of a school of robotic fish with artificial lateral line sensing. A. Wolek and D. A. Paley. To appear in Proc. IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. Intelligent Robots Sys., Detroit, MI, 2023. [preprint]
  20. Planning visual inspection tours for a 3D Dubins airplane model in an urban environment. C. Hague, A. Willis, D. Maity, and A. Wolek, in Proc. AIAA SciTech 2023 Forum, National Harbor, MD, 2023. [preprint]
  21. Data-driven estimation using an Echo-State Neural Network equipped with an Ensemble Kalman Filter. D. Goswami, A. Wolek, D. A. Paley, in Proc. 2021 American Control Conference, New Orleans, LA, 2021. [preprint]
  22. Planar formation control of a school of robotic fish. P. Ghanem, A. Wolek, D. A. Paley, In Proc. 2020 American Control Conference, Denver, CO, 2020. [preprint]
  23. Online planning for autonomous underwater vehicles performing information gathering tasks in large sub-sea environments. H. Yetkin, J. McMahon, N. Topin, A. Wolek, Z. Waters, D. Stilwell, In Proc. IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. Intelligent Robots Sys., Macau, China, 2019.
  24. Experimental results in bearings-only tracking with the sequential Monte-Carlo probability hypothesis density filter. J. G. Jimenez, A. Wolek, D. Stilwell, J. McMahon, B. Dzikowicz, In Proc. SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing, Baltimore, MD, 2019.
  25. Training a remote-control car to autonomously lane-follow using end-to-end neural networks. B. Simmons, P. Adwani, H. Pham, Y. Alhuthifi, A. Wolek, In Proc. IEEE Conf. Info. Sci. Sys., Baltimore, MD, 2019.
  26. Towards real-time search planning in subsea environments. J. McMahon, H. Yetkin, A. Wolek, Z. Waters, D. J. Stilwell, In Proc. IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. Intelligent Robots Sys., Vancouver, Canada, 2017. [preprint]
  27. Toward goal reasoning for AUVs: responding to unexpected agents. M. A. Wilson, J. McMahon, A. Wolek, D. Aha, B. Houston, In Proc. Workshop on Goal Reasoning at the 25th Int. Joint Conf. Artificial Intelligence, New York, NY, 2016.
  28. Testing a pneumatic underwater glider in shallow water. A. Wolek, T. Gode, C. A. Woolsey, J. Quenzer, K. A. Morgansen, In Proc. MTS/IEEE OCEANS’15, Washington, DC, 2015. [preprint]
  29. Disturbance rejection in Dubins path planning. A. Wolek, C. A. Woolsey, In Proc. American Control Conf., Montreal, Canada, 2012.
  30. A maneuverable, pneumatic underwater glider. A. Wolek, J. Burns, C. A. Woolsey, J. Quenzer, L. Techy, K. A. Morgansen. In Proc. MTS/IEEE OCEANS’12 Conf. and Expo., Hampton Roads, VA, 2012.
  31. Stability and performance of underwater gliders. S. Fan, A. Wolek, C. A. Woolsey, In Proc. MTS/IEEE OCEANS’12 Conf. and Expo., Hampton Roads, VA, 2012.
  32. A novel unmanned aircraft with solid-state control surfaces. O. Bilgen, L. Butt, S. Day, C. Sossi, J. Weaver, A. Wolek, W. Mason, D. Inman, In Proc. 52nd AIAA Structural Dynamics and Materials Conf., Denver, CO, 2011.
  33. Wing morphing design utilizing macro-fiber composite smart materials. O. Bilgen, L. Butt, S. Day, C. Sossi, J. Weaver, A. Wolek, W. Mason, D. Inman, In Proc. 69th Annual Conf. of The Society of Allied Weight Engineers, Virginia Beach, VA, 2010.
  34. Developmental flight testing of the SPAARO UAV. M. C. Cotting, A. Wolek, J. F. Murtha, C. A. Woolsey, In Proc. 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Expo., Orlando, FL, 2010. [preprint]
  35. The educational impact of creating a new UAV for curriculum enhancement. J. F. Murtha, M. C. Cotting, A. Wolek, T. Aarons, C. A. Woolsey, In Proc. AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mech. Conf., Chicago, IL, 2009.

Undergraduate research

  1. Machine-learning-based wind detection and avoidance using a crazyflie micro drone. K. VanHorn, In Proc. AIAA 2024 Region II Student Conference, Kennedy Space Center, FL, 2024.